shred tyrantpainting cwc A Dragon sees his shadow Huey Old Map Destroyer of the Universe Sentinels Pyramid Vlad Toasty Fireplace Nightimk Forest Sleigh Ride selection Star Tower Soldiers Scorpion Skele Sword Concept Dragon Monster Sprite Islands Digital Guns

Shredding Up a Storm

Concept Art (2013)

Character Painting

This is a painting I did just to practice a few techniques. I may use it for as a character concept for a future game. I left this painting a bit raw and rough because I feel it captures the mood of the painting.

Tyrant of Terror - Character Painting

Tyrant of Terror
PC, Mac
Creator, Designer, Artist, Musician
Mad Science Games


This is a painting for Tyrant of Terror. It was done primarily to flesh out the character, but it's also used as part of the title screen and for promotional images.

It was done all in photoshop with the palette chosen before I even started. It captures the main character's personality perfectly.

Cooking with Canines - Book Cover

Cooking with Canines (2013)
Kindle, Paperback
by Michelle Day

Book Cover

This is the book cover for Cooking With Canines, by Michelle Day. It's a dog treat cookbook. This was originally done on paper first with pencil, then inked. After that I scanned it in and painted it in Photoshop.


I did a number of other images for this project such as Facebook banners, Twittter banners, Youtube backgrounds, animated ads, and flyers.

Bad Attitude

Concept Art (2013)

Character Concept

This is a villain whose view of himself is much darker than reality. This was painted in Photoshop.

Huey at sunset

Concept Art (2013)

Huey Painting

Painting done for fun. This is just some Vietnam era Hueys coming towards the viewer.


Terror Noctum (2011, Unreleased)
PC, Mac
Creator, Designer, Artist, Musician
Mad Science Games

These are concept soldiers for a game that stopped production a few months in. Many of the ideas I came up with in this game would be transfered to Tyrant of Terror. I aim to revive it someday.

An Old Map

A Map (2011)


To create this piece I started by tea staining and distressing some paper. I then used an inking brush to do most of the work. I finished up with water color to add some darkness around the edges and a small blood stain.

Destroyer of the Universe

Concept art for an adventure game (2013)
Mad Science Games

Character Concept

This was done first in pencil, then in marker, and then I used an ink brush to bring out some details and add shadow.


Golem concept art (2010)
Mad Science Games

Character Concept

Exploring the idea of giant lumbering earth golems.

Call of the Pharaoh

Call of the Pharoh HD (2011, Unreleased)
Web Based MMO
Art Director, Artist


This is a background graphic for the canceled reboot of the award winning Call of the Pharoh. The original won Best Mobile game at the Global Mobile Awards 2008.


I also did the art for the original Call of the Pharoh in 2007. It had a cool artstyle that you could decribe as cute hyroglyphics come to life.

Finger Puncher

Finger Puncher (2012, Unreleased)
Punch Out Clone
Art Director, Artist, Game Designer

Character Portrait

In late 2012 I was working on a Punch Out clone prototype. The game eventually got changed to a political theme. Here was our first working eccentric boxer. Introducing Vlad the boxing vampire count!

This painting was outlined in pencil and then done in acrylic.

Bonus - Unfinished sprites

Sprites in a game like this are extra difficult because they need to telegraph the character's moves to the player. You need to be able to tell when he's about to punch and when he's about to unleash a super move.

Xmas Nexus

Merry Mobile (2010)
Web Based MMO
Art Director, Artist

Player's Hub

This was part of the main screen in Merry Mobile (2010). Players could decorate their tree, or open their presents.

Forest Background

Tengu Adventure
Mad Science Games

Setting Concept

This is concept art for a game I'd like to do some day. It's the kid of magical forest where mystical creatures would live.

Merry Mobile Sleigh Ride

Merry Mobile (2010)
Web Based MMO
Art Director, Artist

Mission Select

Players had to select one of three towns which indicated the distance that they had to travel and the difficulty of the level.

Star Tower

Acrylic Painting (2011)


Painting done in Acrylic. The wizard is a top his is reaching for a star that is out of reach.


Floating Islands

These are some floating islands that you could place a collection of virtual pets on. The intent was to be able to decorate your islands with props.

A scorpion appears!

Just a scorpion

Art for no reason

Hey it's a scorpion.

Tyrant of Terror - Concept Art

Tyrant of Terror
PC, Mac
Creator, Designer, Artist, Musician
Mad Science Games

Character Concept

Used an ink brush to rough out the first minion in Tyrant of Terror. The ever expendable Skelesword.

Dragon Monster Design

Monster Sprite (2011)

RPG Monster sprite

This was just a practice run, creating a mosnter sprite with a more painted feel. This dragon is very much inspired by my favorite game artist Yoshitaka Amano. You can see Final Fantasy series and Bahamut Lagoon influence in here.

Digital Guns

Untitled (Unreleased)
Tower Defense

Sprite Mockup

In this grid based tower defense game you defend against hordes of funky computer viruses.